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Company Name: Weifang Kunsheng Agriculture Technology Co. Ltd.
Contact name: David Sun
Main region covered: Shandong
City: Qingzhou
Address: No.7 logistics park, economic development zone
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Contact Tel: +86 15866591332
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Services offered : Agriculture, Agriculture, Agriculture
Description of services: Weifang Kunsheng Agriculture Technology Co. Ltd. is a premier provider and constructor of commercial greenhouse projects in China, dedicated to meeting the demands of clients in the agriculture sector. Our all-encompassing range of greenhouse solutions includes every step of the process, from adept planning to scrupulous manufacturing, proficient installation, and dependable maintenance services.
Our company holds farmers and their success in high esteem, irrespective of the size of their operation. Our ardent commitment to delivering the greenhouse solutions that are essential to achieving their objectives propels us to offer a diverse selection of greenhouses, whether it is of plastic film, UV film, polycarbonate, or galvanized steel. Hydroponic growing systems and equipment are pivotal in the cultivation of healthy, sustainable crops, which is why we provide hydroponic systems and equipment tailored to growing tomatoes, vegetables, and flowers.
At Kunsheng Agriculture, we firmly believe that affordable greenhouse solutions should be accessible to all. Our company serves as a one-stop-shop for all greenhouse necessities, whether one is located in China or anywhere else in the world. We provide factory pricing and go the extra mile in offering exceptional customer service. Our knowledgeable team works closely with our clients to ensure their needs are met, and their expectations are exceeded. Apart from our greenhouse solutions, we offer cutting-edge technologies such as auto light deprivation systems and plastic greenhouse covers. These revolutionary advancements can make a colossal difference in farming by increasing crop yield, decreasing water usage, and creating a more sustainable and efficient growing environment. These innovations enable farmers to work smarter, not harder, and obtain a bountiful harvest.