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Newest Listings in Heshan Business Directory :
Company Name: Specci
Contact name: Specci
Main region covered: Guangdong
City: Heshan
Address: Welcome to SPECCI, your new destination for fashion.We are offering trend-led clothing at affordable prices.By collecting only the best selling pieces from the new collections of different brands we want to inspire you for your wardrobe.We launch new styles weekly, as we want to keep you updated with latest hottest fashion trends worldwide.You can choose from hundreds of styles of clothing, swimwear, accessories and jewelries to make your look on-trend and affordable at the same time.Since we are only starting our journey to become a world-class fast fashion online retailer, we would like you to join us and be part of this new exciting adventure! We look forward to receive your feedback and suggestions to help us improve our products and services in order to make your online shopping experience effortless and enjoyable!
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Post Code: 123 Tung Chau
Contact Tel: 86 20 6684 2111
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Services offered : Shopping
Description of services: Online Fashion Store FREE shipping worldwide